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We are to be an aroma of life to those who believe and the stench of death to unbelievers. Starting from "out there" of our family of believers. There was…

Outcome of Good Friday

April 19, 2019
Jesus manifested divinity in the disciples’ presence. He was supposed to be the Messiah. The Cross was not on their agenda. Mark fled into the night naked. However, if Jesus…
Jodie, Jayvin and Gracie presented a call to surrender to Jesus is LORD. There are only two masters: God. Surrender to Him leads to life Not-God Surrender to sin leads to death…
Originally the disciples were supposed to have some down time but ended up feeding the 5000 and end up in the middle of the lake, dead tired, about 3am. They…

Noah and an Uh Oh

March 17, 2019
God is Good. Story of Noah. Words like Noah, Ark, two by two are well known in the wider community but the story is taken by most to be just…


March 3, 2019
Jesus sent them out two by two with authority over evil spirits and power to heal. They went out. Their equipment was the instructions. Often when we are called, we…

Becoming a Christian

February 24, 2019
Peter started with his conversion experience. There are many examples of conversion eg. Petrol to gas, Eagles to Dockers, Metric to Imperial. In general, conversion is an exchange of one…
The disciples witness a terrifying spiritual power encounter between Jesus and a legion of demons. A madman falls down at the feet of Jesus. The demons recognised who Jesus was…