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July 2, 2023

CMA Logo Flavour 3rd message Sanctifier (Laver)

Passage: Galatians 5:16-25
Service Type:

Part 3 of message on LOGO: Sanctifier
2023 July 2nd Sanctifier (Laver)
what is our flavour as a local Church and what we say we are globally. We are a joint body ministry. We are all called as Christians to be involved in the work of Missions. We are called to be a light for Jesus, reflecting His light to the Nations
We cannot go into the presence of God unless we are washed and set apart. The Laver represents the sufficiency of Jesus to cleanse us, to set us apart and to empower us for Holy living.
Set apart: a work of Holiness. Taken from the world and set apart. We are in the world but not of it. We are new creation, the old has gone and the new has come. From darkness to light, from death to life, from wrath to grace, from hell to heaven, from the miry clay to solid rock, from hopelessness to a living hope. We are set apart to be different!
Galatians 5:16-25 live by the Spirit. An ongoing work….go on being filled with His Spirit (present tense continuous with ongoing future effect)
Empowered: A work of commissioning. The disciples who were followers of Jesus and born again but they were scared and in hiding. Then Pentecost happened and they were empowered to be witnesses. We need to be constantly filled and refreshed (like the Sea of Galilee and not like the Dead Sea where there is no refreshing). We need to be plugged into the power source if we are to shine His light.
We are called to be HOLY enabled by the Holy Spirit to be Holy. We need to allow the Spirit of God to work in us (submitted to His will).
We need to be walking in the new. When we blow it we need to turn to Jesus. We need to be rescued from the old nature. Be continually being set part.