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March 3, 2019


Passage: Mark 6:6-13
Service Type:

Jesus sent them out two by two with authority over evil spirits and power to heal. They went out. Their equipment was the instructions. Often when we are called, we start planning. Planning is good but sometimes we need to just do what God asks us to do. We need to walk by faith in Jesus and not by our own strength. They had to do ministry instead of expecting Jesus to do everything. In Acts we read about the missionary journeys. They went out and proclaimed the need to repent. Not one of the top five good words in Australia. The opposite is proclaimed. “Don’t let anyone tell you what to do” implying that not even God can tell you what to do or not to do. The key message is not that we care but that people need Jesus or they are lost. We care because Jesus cares. We don’t want to just make people comfortable in this life while they are on their way to hell. Matt 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8 Commissioned, sent out with POWER. The command is not to “Go” but the command is to “make disciples”. The going verb should be translated as “In your going” or “while you are going” make disciples! Our challenge is for every believer to grow through discipleship and then going on to disciple others.. Not just being consumers. Who am I discipling?