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January 27, 2019

Story of the Storm

Passage: Mark 1:23-28, Mark 1:34, Mark 3:11
Service Type:

Background. (The passage about Jesus calming the storm is more that a parable) Mark 1:23-28. Encounter with an evil spirit. “What’s this… a new teaching” Mark 1:34 The whole town gathers. Jesus healed many and drove out evil spirits Mark 3:11 Jesus had withdrawn to a quiet place because of the crush of people We see that Jesus has power over the spiritual realm. The natural scientific man is not comfortable with the demonic and would rather keep Jesus in a comfortable box. We would rather medicate people than admit that unusual behaviour might be demonic. Our world is the same world that Jesus walked in and Jesus is the same Jesus yesterday, today and forever. Jesus laid hands on lepers, forgave sin, healed the paralytic, raised the dead. Back then they said that this is beyond our understanding (nothing has changed). We are Western Christians with our naturalistic bias but we are still called to engage in spiritual warfare and to make disciples and to demonstrate the power of Jesus. Lessons from the calming of the storm. The main point of this Scripture is not just a parable showing that “Jesus can your storm” (which is true) but it is a real historical event recorded by Mark to show the Sovereignty, Power and Authority of Jesus. The teaching of this passage is: “take note of Who Jesus is”. We need to lift our vision to Who Jesus is. Where is our faith? Why are we afraid? When was the last time we trusted Jesus to do something supernatural? Is it time to renew our awe of the Omnipotent Creator and to let Him shake our foundations, to return to our first love and walk supernaturally in this natural world as we did after our first commitment?